The Henson Journals

Fri 26 October 1923

Volume 36, Page 32


Friday, October 26th, 1923.

Ralph seemed to think there was something subtle and even sinister about the Archbishop's suggesting that I should address to him a request for explanation. To me, on the contrary, it appeared the most simple and indeed obvious of arrangements, when once I had told him that in my judgement explanation was required, & he had admitted the fact.

The lady, I think her name was Murray, who attacked me after dinner on the subject of "Birth control" appears to be a fanatical missionary of that Gospel. I was not very responsive to her ardour, for the subject is hateful, and these enthusiasts ignore altogether every aspect but the physical & social. That morality itself is concerned does not enter their heads.

Lord S. drove me to King's Cross where I caught the 10 o'clock train for Darlington, where William met me with the car. I found the proofs of my booklet "In defence of the English Church" had arrived. These I corrected & returned.

The Prime Minister himself announced in clear terms his belief in protection, and his intention to make that his policy. America will join a Conference if requested to do so by all the allies. Mr Baldwin makes an earnest appeal to M. Poincaré not to refuse to come into line.