The Henson Journals

Thu 25 October 1923

Volume 36, Page 31


Thursday, October 25th, 1923.


Williamson motored me to Darlington where I took train to London in order to attend the meeting of the Committee on Ecclesiastical Courts. The little correspondence between me & the Archbishop of Canterbury appeared in the morning papers. In the "Times" and the Yorkshire Post it has a prominent position on the front page.

Harold Knowling came to see me at the Athenaeum. He gave me a rambling incoherent account of his domestic affairs which was probably more plausible than true, and assured me that peace at home had been restored.

Lord Findlay told me that he had supported the Enabling Act, but had grown to doubt his wisdom in doing so, as the Act had not worked as he expected.

No man of honour ever talks over his difficulties with his wife with another woman. So called "platonic friendships" are always imprudent and rarely innocent. Extravagance & self–indulgence leading to financial embarrassments lie at the root of many, perhaps most, domestic bickerings. The desire to make money quickly without honestly earning it is the curse of our post–war youth.

I dined with mine host & hostess in 21 Park Lane. The IngesInge came to dinner.