The Henson Journals

Thu 18 October 1923

Volume 36, Page 23


Thursday, October 18th, 1923.

William motored me to Darlington where I took the early train for York. I took part in the consecration of Harry Woolcombe to be the Bishop Suffragan of Whitby. The service was in the nave which was filled with a great congregation. No less that 17 bishops assisted the Archbishop. I read the Gospel. After a "stand–up" lunch at the Deanery, I returned to Auckland. Ella met me with the car at Darlington. The remainder of the day was devoted to correspondence, which had been accumulating for some days.

Mrs Dicey has presented me with the Professor's fur coat. It is a kind gift & doubly welcome. Not only did I need the garment, but also I am pleased to possess the personal memorial.

Humphrey Ward sends me a copy of the Biography of his Wife in which he has written my name with a few very kindly expressed words.