The Henson Journals

Tue 25 September 1923

Volume 35, Page 235


Tuesday, September 25th, 1923.


O Lord God. Whose inscrutable wisdom hast ordained that Thy Hoy Purpose in the World should be served by sinful men, look with compassion on Thy servants, who bear the yoke of ministry in Thy church, and save them from their sins, giving them power and joy in Thy service, and grace to live as befitteth. Thy servant, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

I celebrated the Holy Communion in the chapel at 8.15 a.m. All the guests attended & communicated except Lord Wolmer. After breakfast the Commission sate in the small dining room from 10a.m to 1p.m.: In the afternoon, some of the party were motored into Durham to see the Cathedral, others were led by Clayton to Escomb to see the Anglo–Saxon Church: the Dean of Westminster and I played bowls at home. We all met at tea: and then the Commission resumed its session from 5p.m. to 7.30p.m. At 8p.m. we dined.

Lord Morley's death, reported in yesterday's newspapers, misses the question, whether he could be fittingly interested in the Abbey, or elsewhere with Christian rites. He was confessedly an Agnostic, if not definitely an Atheist: he has exposed himself in severe criticism on those who, having abandoned the doctrines of Christianity, do yet allow themselves to be buried as Christians, & even leave directions for such burial in their wills.