The Henson Journals

Mon 24 September 1923

Volume 35, Page 234

[234] [sic]

Monday, September 24th, 1923.


Freddie Macdonald came to lunch. He arrived on a motor bicycle, on which he has expended £60. He tells me that the Dean of Oriel, Graham, is an ardent Anglo–Catholic, and that the youth crowd into that camp.

The Deans of Westminster and York arrived a little before 4 p.m. I took the former for a walk in the Park after tea. He does not look well, and I fear it was rash of me to take him off the level ground. Sir Philip and lady Baker–Wilbraham next arrived, and I took them in the gloaming to the "Wishing Temple".

The other members of the Commission, (except Guy Rogers, who came by the late train) arrived in time for dinner. viz:

1. Dean of Westminster

2. Dean of York

3. Archdeacon of Canterbury

4. Bishop of Manchester

5. Canon Scuker

6. Marcus Atlay

7. Guy Rogers

8. Lord Wolmer

9. Sir Philip Baker–Wilbraham

10. Bishop of Durham

The absentees were,

Marquess of Bath

Col Lane Fox

Sir Thos Inskip

Sir Lewis Dibdin