The Henson Journals

Wed 25 July 1923

Volume 35, Page 130


Wednesday, July 25th, 1923.

I motored to Durham, & instituted Poole to his honorary canonry in the face of the assembled school. Then I licensed three curates in the chapel at the Castle. Clayton joined me, & we lunched with Wilson at the Club. Next, I presided at a meeting of the Finance Board. When this was over, I motored to Houghton–le–Spring, accompanied by Clayton & Wilson. We had tea with the Rector, and then continued our journey to Sunderland. We went to the Rectory, where I received a deputation – the two churchwardens & a local surveyor(!) – on the subject of the parish church, which is affected by coal–workings. I advised a fresh survey by Caröe. From the Rectory, we went on to All Saints Church, where I "admitted" the new parson, Harry Saxton. There was a considerable congregation, & several clergy. We motored back to Auckland, dropping Wilson in Durham on our way. We reached the Castle at 9.15 p.m. Archdeacon & Mrs Charles arrived during the afternoon.

Emmet's death in New York is reported in the papers. This is certainly a loss to the "liberal" section of the Church of England. I cannot say that I knew him well, nor that he greatly impressed me. But I thought him both honest and intelligent.