The Henson Journals

Tue 24 July 1923

Volume 35, Page 129


Tuesday, July 24th, 1923.

I wrote a letter for the Diocesan Gazette in which among other things I dealt with the subject of glass globes in churchyards, and the ventilation of churches. Brereton, the Headmaster of the North–Eastern Counties School, came to lunch. He expounded to me the grievance which he felt at having his son summarily rejected for the chemistry mastership! I pointed out that he was strategically at some disadvantage since nepotism was not unknown in the educational world! When he had departed, I played bowls with William, & was again beaten badly. In this sphere, Youth is irresistible. After tea, I wrote letters.

M rs Connell, the daughter of Bishop Montagu Villiers, arrived on a visit – an intelligent & indeed vivacious old lady of fourscore. She said that on one occasion, when her father was confirming, a female candidate was unable to leave the pew, being immobilized by her crinoline, which she herself had manufactured with the iron hoop of a beer–barrel! M rs C. herself had assisted in extricating the candidate . She said that the miners were a rough people who threw half–bricks at her as she rode through their villages. The late bishop's godson, Mr Handley Gear , & his wife arrived. He gained the V.C. during the War, & impressed me as an attractive & modest young fellow.