The Henson Journals

Tue 16 May 1922

Volume 32, Page 104


Tuesday, 16th May, 1922.

I left Bishop Auckland by the early train, and travelled to London. At York my carriage was invaded by a gentleman, who introduced himself to me as Col. Tweedie, and said that he had met me in Lord Scarbrough's house. He relieved the way with conversation mainly on architecture. On arriving at King's Cross, I drove to 21 Park Lane, & deposited my bags. Then I went to the hairdresser, & had my hair cut. After tea in the Club, I walked to Westr and attended the session of the House of Lords. Lord Beauchamp brought forward a motion condemning the Industry Protection Act, & was supported by effective speeches from Lords Crewe & Buckmaster. The motion was lost by 2 votes – 34 to 36. I voted in the minority. Godfrey was in the House. We walked together to Eaton Square, where I stayed to dinner. Antonia looks very charming, and shewed me photographs which had been bought in Dresden, Munich, & Vienna. Then I walked back to Park Lane. Lang had some speech with me this afternoon. He promised to talk to the Abp. of C. about my Scheme for Durham, & to put him on his guard against the sophistries of iste archidiaconus.