The Henson Journals

Mon 15 May 1922

Volume 32, Page 103


Monday, May 15th, 1922.

I received a rather rudely worded letter from Leake, and sent him a brief reply. Also, I wrote to Ella. Then I settled down to preparing an address to the Baptists. About a score of sectaries appeared at 2.30 p.m: and I spoke to them for nearly an hour on the teaching function of the pastor. There was a brief and futile discussion, after which we went to the Chapel, and held a short service. Then we all had tea in the Stateroom, & I showed them the House. At 5 p.m. they dispersed after many assurances of gratitude.

Forty three years ago – May 15th 1879 – Bishop Lightfoot was enthroned in Durham Cathedral, & preached a notable sermon. It is difficult to recreate the conditions under which his famous episcopate began. Nothing is more certain than that, if even that great man had entered on the See now, he could not have done what he did. Not even he could have drawn the youth from Cambridge. There are now no youth to draw. The lack of Ordination candidates is the sinister & dominating factor of the present situation. Every year worsens the situation, for the wastage exceeds the recruitment by hundreds. Unless God Himself comes to the rescue of His church, there must be a complete break–down of the present system. We shall not be able to find men to fill the benefices, to say nothing of providing the assistant curates.