The Henson Journals

Sat 6 May 1922

Volume 32, Page 88


Saturday, May 6th, 1922.

Adamson, the late Rector of Houghton–le–Spring, is reported to be dead. This releases his pension, & thereby increases Knight's income by £450 per annum. How vain are human plans & hopes! The old man had counted on some years of quiet living.

I received a melancholy budget from Fenton about X. against whose restoration to the ranks of the working clergy he is relentlessly opposed. I wrote to the Abp. of C. making inquiry, and also to Watson of St Margaret's.

Lawrence Holt sent for my reading a report from the London agent of the Firm on George Nimmins. It was as good as possible, and pleased me greatly.

I ^was^ preparing in a tearing hurry a sermon for tomorrow, and a speech for tonight. Frank Berry motored me to Newcastle in his two–seater. We took just an hour and a quarter over the journey. The Brunswick Square Methodist Chapel is a large building. It was completely filled for the Missionary Meeting. I spoke for 25 minutes, & was followed by a missionary from Nigeria who held on for 50. He said a good many interesting things, on which I would have liked to question him. Frank motored me back to the Castle in Durham, where I had arranged to stay the night.