The Henson Journals

Fri 5 May 1922

Volume 32, Page 87


Friday, May 5th, 1922.

Macdonald tells me that the foolish curate from Boldon, who became a Papist, is now wary of papistry, and desires to return to Anglican chaos! But he must seek an open door elsewhere than in the diocese of Durham.

Temple writes to ask me to write an article on "The Incarnation and Theological Development", or something of that sort, for 'The Pilgrim'. I hardly think it wd be prudent for me to advance before the religious world as a champion of orthodoxy just yet!!

An open car was sent from Heworth to fetch me to the Centenary celebration: Clayton accompanied me. We went first to the House of an excellent mine manager named English. Here we were joined by Lord & Lady Northbourne, and another mining pundit named Anderson, a very intelligent fellow, with whom I had some interesting conversation. Also an aged fat man named Hodgson, the grandson of the parson who built the church.

The service was attended by a congregation of which at least five sixths were women! It was too long – nearly two hours – by reason of inordinate hymn–singing. The people were very attentive to my sermon. We returned to Auckland immediately after the service. An open car will hardly serve my turn!

The Masonic Lodge on Annfield Plain sends me a resolution asking me to use my "great influence" to secure the appointment of the Rev. F. Ferguson to the vacant benefice of Collierley!!