The Henson Journals

Fri 21 April 1922

Volume 32, Page 66


Friday, April 21st, 1922.

For some reason or other I had a sleepless night, and felt the ill effects of the fast all day. I had some talk with Ernest about the Bishops' proposed declaration, & showed him the drafts. At 4.30 p.m. William and I left the Castle, & motored to Hereford by way of Worcester, Malvern, & Hereford. We arrived at St Peter's Vicarage about 6.15 p.m. Bateman was there to welcome me! Moore had gathered a party to meet me at dinner. There was Roberts, the Tory member for Hereford. To balance him was Manders the Liberal candidate for Sudbury. The Dean, & Wynne Willson represented the Church. Frank James & his wife were also there & Mrs Wynne Willson. At 7.30 p.m. there was a meeting in the Shire Hall in advocacy of the League of Nations. The Hall was well–filled, & I was the first speaker. The politicians followed, & Moore wound up. All were commendably brief, so that the meeting was over by 9 p.m. William motored me to Wylands, five miles from Ross, where Mrs Clayton received me hospitably. Her son, Bryan was also present. Before going to bed I settled accounts with William, paying £3.5.0 for divers sums expended by him, & giving him £5.0.0 to be accounted for in due course. He is to get up early, to motor to Birmingham leaving the car in Wolseley's works for overhauling.

Issues and controversies: