The Henson Journals

Thu 20 April 1922

Volume 32, Page 65


Thursday, April 20th, 1922.

In perfect weather, brilliant but with a lingering sting of winter in the air, William and I left York at 9 a.m. and motored through Selby and Doncaster to Chesterfield, where we lunched comfortably at the Station hotel. We visited the parish church, and admired the "freak" spire. The Vicar entered, as we were leaving, & introduced himself. He pointed out the 15th & 16th century screens, & the Foljame monuments, and shewed us the pre–Reformation processional crucifix which had recently been presented to the church. He called our attention to the imposing Crucifix erected in the churchyard as a war memorial. From Chesterfield we motored to Lichfield through Derby. Here we had an excellent tea at the George Hotel, and afterwards looked at the Cathedral where Evensong was proceeding. William took several photographs of the exterior. From Lichfield we went on to Hartlebury, mainly through an undone & God–forsaken wilderness of pits & factories. We came by way of Walsall, Stourbridge, Dudley and Kidderminster. We were delayed by a puncture, & arrived a little after 7 p.m. at the castle where we were warmly welcomed by the Bishop & his sister. The day was most enjoyable and our frank comradeship together added to the pleasure. At the Castle we found a pair of incumbents from the diocese. Before going to bed, I wrote to Ella.