The Henson Journals

Tue 1 November 1921

Volume 31, Page 24


Tuesday, November 1st, 1921.

A most brilliant day. The autumnal colouring, pierced & warmed by the sun, was extraordinarily beautiful. From my study windows the beauty of the prospect became a formidable rival to my work.

The Bishop of Down returns a disconcerting answer about Mr S. It is evident that he think that his conduct was not free from blame, and this accords with my own feeling, and, indeed, with the probabilities of the case. I wrote to Drury suggesting that a probationary period of six months must precede license.

Rashdall sent me a sympathetic letter which he had received from Newsome in order to show that there were honest doubters to whom the Cambridge Conference was welcome.

I sent that ruffian Taylor a note requiring him to vacate the gardener's cottage by next Saturday. He is a surly fellow, & I suspect there will be trouble about getting him out.