The Henson Journals

Fri 27 May 1921

Volume 29, Page 358


Friday, May 27th, 1921.

I finished the volume of Plato, having read through in Mr Fowler's excellent translation the following Dialogues–Euthyphro, The Apology, Crito, Phoedo, Phaedrus. The closeness of the night rendered sleep difficult: it was fortunate that I was so well–armed against sleeplessness.

I baptized Martin Francis Tallents at 3 p.m. in S. Margaret's Westr. Fedarb turned up in the vestry, & had some talk. He is very loyal to the old days. Stephen Tallents is going to Dublin as private secretary to the new Viceroy. Bridget may be pardoned for feeling a measure of anxiety.

I bought a little book, hardly more than a pamphlet, by T. R. Glover "The Free Churches and Re–union". It is cordially endorsed in a prefatory note by Dr Clifford as "expressing the convictions & experiences of Baptists everywhere (as well as of many Free Churchmen outside the Baptist hosts,) of the ten millions of us in the States, in Canada, Australasia, & at home". It affirms decidedly, even aggressively, the attitude of Protestant Nonconformity on the subject of the ministry, & suggests a present policy of exchanging pulpits and intercommunion. It is evident that in this quarter the Lambeth Appeal falls very flat indeed.

I dined at the Café Monico with the English Association and proposed the Toast of the Assn. Prothero, Lord Ernle, presided and made some amusing speeches. Miss Elizabeth Robins, author of "The Magnetic North", and Lord Buxton were also guests & made interesting speeches.