The Henson Journals

Thu 26 May 1921

Volume 29, Page 357


Thursday, May 26th, 1921.

I read Plato before getting up. What amazing good stuff it is! It is certainly intelligible that those who have drunk of the old fountains find the new substitutes very poor indeed.

I walked to Lambeth, and there continued all day. We spent much time over the Report on Lay Readers.

Ernest and I entertained Nickson at dinner in the Athenaeum, and afterwards had much talk. It is said that the Bishop of Bath & Wells is about to resign. In that event there will be no less than 3 bishopricks vacant ̶ Salisbury, Bath & Wells, and S Edmundsbury & Ipswich. It is said also that the Archbishop is trying to bring back Donaldson from Australia for the first of these. Fearon was in the club. He looks very cheerful and well since his retirement from his archdeaconry. Burge tells me that he has written an informing memorandum on the subject of "induction".

The weather, which had been close and sultry all day, inclined to rain in the evening. If we could get some days of steady soaking rain with a high temperature, the prospect for the harvest, which the drought has gravely darkened, would again brighten. A bad harvest wd be the coping stone of general disaster.