The Henson Journals

Wed 13 April 1921

Volume 29, Page 272


Wednesday, April 13th, 1921.

The question of the permanence of democracy resolves itself into the question of whether mankind is growing in wisdom and virtue, and with that comes the question of what Religion will be in the future, since it has been for the finer and more sensitive spirits the motive power behind Morality.

Bryce. Ii. 666

I motored to Durham, and presided at a meeting of the Finance Board. After having tea with Mrs Quirk, I returned to the Castle. I attended a meeting in the Town Hall convened in advocacy of the League of Nations. The other speaker, beside myself, was Peter Lee, the chairman of the Durham County Council. He is a tall, fine–looking man, with an intelligent countenance, a good speaker but evidently uneducated. He expressed himself in a religious manner, & would seem to be all but a Pacifist. The Town Hall was completely filled, & 146 persons joined the "League of Nations" Association. I spoke for 35 minutes. It is reported in the evening papers that the "Triple Alliance" is going to strike at 10 p.m. on Friday evening. I take the impression that the Leaders are gambling on the chance that the threat will suffice to force the Government to surrender, & that nothing would disconcert them more than to be forced to carry out their brave threat.