The Henson Journals

Tue 12 April 1921

Volume 29, Page 271


Tuesday, April 12th, 1921.

'Observe the cobra; however often it may slough its skin, it remains a cobra. In the same way, a sinner, even though he leaves his body, will remain a sinner in the next world. Character does not change with death.'

The Sadhu. p.176.

A petition signed by a large number of persons, professedly communicants arrived from Wheatley Hill. The complaints are partly the too–familiar ones about the parson's ceremonial vagaries, and partly concerned with his refusal to work the "Enabling Act". The parson (Casey) made himself notorious by audibly protesting in Durham Cathedral when Dr Jowett preached there on Welldon's invitation. He is reported to be (like so many of the more intractable Ritualists) an ex. Dissenting minister. I wrote to him inviting his "observations".

After lunch I went into the Park, and sate down on the grass with a set of pit lads, who were "kicking about" a football. We had a lively talk about the strike: & again I was astonished at the extent and detail of their knowledge about their own grievances. They certainly have been amazingly well–coached by their leaders. I covenanted with them that I would show them the chapel & Castle on Thursday at 3 p.m. It will be interesting to know if they keep tryst. That & much else that is more important will turn on the issue of the conference in London.