The Henson Journals

Mon 19 July 1920

Volume 28, Page 51


Monday, July 19th, 1920.

The morning was taken up with some extremely important statements from the Archbishops of Melbourne & Rupertsland, & Bishop Roots of Hankow. All agreed in saying that unless recognition of non–episcopal ministries and intercommunion were conceded, all hope of negotiation with the non–episcopal churches must be given up. In Australia, Canada, & China there was a strong tendency towards Reunion, &, unless the Anglican Church made haste to associate itself therewith, it would lose all chance of leadership in the recovery of unity, & would compel the creation of a Protestant Federation, from which Anglicanism would be thrust out. Lang drafted an "appeal" which, he suggested, should head the Report, & be followed up by specific resolutions on the principal issues in debate, & a general reference of reunion schemes to the decision of the local episcopate within the lines thus indicated. The discussions of the draft appeal occupied the afternoon, and disclosed the sharp divergence of principle which undoubtedly divides the Committee.