The Henson Journals

Sun 18 July 1920

Volume 28, Page 50


7th Sunday after Trinity, July 18th, 1920.

Ella and I received the Holy Communion together in the Abbey Church at 8 a.m. I did not attend matins, but gave myself to the indispensable task of preparing a sermon for next Sunday, when I am pledged to preach at the Temple. I attended Evensong, and heard an admirable sermon from W. Temple. He has an excellent voice, which he manages excellently. His thesis was familiar, and in his development of it, I suspect that we should disagree: but, as far as he went in his sermon, I had no reason to quarrel with him. The Bishops of Sacramento & S. Florida came to tea in the Deanery. I preached to a great congregation in the nave at the evening service. The sermon was wholly uncontroversial, & no doubt did for that reason disappoint many. But there was very close attention throughout, & I hope some people were edified. Fedarb came into the Jerusalem Chamber to shake hands with me before going to St Margaret's where he now adds the practice of reading to his duties as churchwarden. I cannot see any adequate reason for this, since there are always two clergymen at the service, but Fedarb is so good a man that everybody is probably pleased with an arrangement which brings him into prominence.