The Henson Journals

Wed 31 December 1919

Volume 26, Page 94


Wednesday, December 31st, 1919.


I wrote to Bannister thanking him for his generous help during the year, & sent him a copy of the Naked Truth: I also sent a copy to the Dean. I wrote to Ralph, sending him a copy.

The morning was employed by paying bills, & preparing a balance sheet for the year – a disconcerting performance. After lunch I walked round Belmont with Ernest. The wind was very keen, & the sky looked ominous of snow. On returning home I wrote my own letters as Wynne–Willson was absent. Then, after an early dinner, we all went to the Shire Hall for the choristers' concert, which was very entertaining. There was a very numerous company & very appreciative. The fiddling of a lad named Harding whom nobody seemed to know, & who turned out to be a pupil of the Cathedral organist hailing from Wales was greatly applauded.

I read poetry to my wife and Ernest until midnight, when we exchanged good wishes, and went to bed. Thus ended the year. The weather which had been warm & wet changed during the afternoon & we walked from the Shire Hall to the Palace under a clear moon on ground hard as iron with a stiff frost.