The Henson Journals

Mon 29 December 1919

Volume 26, Pages 91 to 92


Monday, December 29th, 1919.


I wrote to Harold Cox, and C. R. L. Fletcher. The morning was frittered away in preparing for the little article on Church Reform which I promised. After lunch I motored with Ella into the country in order to make calls. Everybody was out though it rained 'cats and dogs'. The Bishop of Bristol called, & put up his car for the night. I wrote to Gilbert and Harold: also I returned his MS. of the address on Baxter's connexion with Bridgnorth to Predendary Clark–Maxwell. It was a very slight composition mainly put together from the Reliquiae, and containing nothing which I did not know already. Also, I sent a note to Claude Lighton asking him to stir up the farmer who undertook to transport my wood.

I bought a copy of Keyne's Book. It will stand with the mournful protests of Botha and Smuts as an indictment of the Treaty of Versailles. One can understand how great a calamity it was that the British Empire should have been represented by a shifty brilliant Welshman, advised by a cynical though charming opportunist. The "horse sense" and resolute honesty always touched with a chivalrous kindness which belong to the English temperament were the need of the world then.


In the course of 1919, in addition to my normal subscriptions I paid:–

Jan 15th Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society £1.1.0.
" Restoration of Goodrich bells £1.1.0.
" All Souls College, Oxford £3.8.8.
April 1 st Boy Scouts £1.1.0.
" Church Missionary Society £2.2.0.
" 9th G. F. Bulmer – Reconstuction Ctee £5.0.0.
" 25th Gilbert Simpson. Wedding Present £10.0.0.
June 20th Herefordshire General Hospital £5.5.0.
" 21st " Friendly Society £1.1.0.
July 1st S. Peter's Churchyard Fund £1.1.0.
" 7th Serbian Red Cross £11.0.0.
" 15th W. Garrold Lloyd, Esq. £1.1.0.
" 22nd C. J. Box – Ex–Soldiers' Fund £5.0.0.
" 29th Rescue & Preventive Assn £10.0.0.
August 1st Festival Charity Acct £5.0.0.
Sept 20th W. Collins £1.1.0.
" 22nd Hon. Rev. J. G. Adderley £1.0.0.


Brought forwd £65.2.8.
Rents for the Hoardings at Durham £21.0.0.
Freemasons at Durham £5.0.0.
" £1.0.0.
Typist Anson Memoir £4.7.6.
The Oxford House £2.2.0.
Dec 3 rd Shropshire Parish Register Society £1.1.0.
Clodock Restoration £5.0.0.
Freemasons in London £1. 1.0.