The Henson Journals

Thu 4 September 1919

Volume 25, Page 155


Thursday, September 4th, 1919.

The wet weather continues, and begins to threaten the harvest. I walked round to the "Hereford Times" Office, and had an interview with Mr Bex, the editor, about the function on Saturday. He said that he had often seen me on the Thames Embankment when I was living in Westminster. After an early lunch I attended a meeting of the Diocesan Board of Finance, where Mr Wright resigned the Secretaryship on the urgent plea of his doctor's imperative orders. I made a short speech expressing the obligations of the diocese to his zeal & ability. Later in the afternoon Headlam & his wife arrived. They brought their Aberdeen, 'Pepper' with them. After tea I took Headlam for a walk, but it rained all the time, & I was quite comfortless.

Mr Money–Kyrle had an interview with me about the person whom he wished to engage as curate, and whom I declined to license. I satisfied him that the reasons for my refusal were adequate, & he went away pacified & perplexed. Beattie came to see me about the Memorial Service on Sunday. Bannister came to settle a number of points relating to the Diocesan Conference, and the Examination of Ordination candidates. Thus was frittered away yet another day in the futilities of diocesan administration. It is difficult to persuade one's self that any purpose of real value is being served by this manner of life.