The Henson Journals

Sat 9 August 1919

Volume 25, Page 109


Saturday, August 9th, 1919.


We left Garvald at 11 a.m., and, avoiding entrance into Glasgow, arrived in Helensburgh at 3.45 p.m. travelling by way of Paisley & the Erskine Ferry. The weather was brilliant, & the country varied and pleasing. We called at Seaside, and saw Ella's relatives. Then we went on to Ardencaple Castle, where we were hospitably received by Mr & Mrs Henderson. The situation of the house is admirable, commanding noble views of the Gare Loch & Clyde estuary with wooded promontories & rising hills. The oldest portion of the house dates from 1578: the great Duke of Argyll was born in it. The gardens, mainly laid out by the present occupier, are very beautiful. There came to dinner Lord Strathclyde & his wife. He talked interestingly about the state of politics & religion in Scotland. He thinks that local option will obtain generally under the new Act, & that, mainly through the influence of the women voters, Scotland within the next generation will "go dry". He himself, though not a total abstainer, approved of this course. He spoke of the decay of religion in the country. As an illustration he indicated the fact that the numerous witnesses at the recent sedition trials in Glasgow declined to take the oath, & "affirmed" as atheists. A total disbelief in immortality was spreading rapidly.