The Henson Journals

Fri 8 August 1919

Volume 25, Page 108


Friday, August 8th, 1919.


We spent the morning in Carlisle. I got my hair cut and bought a "sweater" for William, whose clothing equipment is of the scantiest. I walked with the Dean, who very kindly showed the Cathedral to William. After lunch we resumed our motor tour, & travelled through a pleasant country to Garvald, a country house some miles beyond Biggar, where we were courteously received by Mrs Dennistoun Mitchell, a connection of Ella. Colonel Donald Stewart did the honours of the house. I had some conversation with him, & found him neither ill–informed nor unintelligent. He said that the drunkenness & immorality of the new army were far graver than had been the case with the old professional army, while the "honour" of the last was almost unknown in the first.

I suggested to Rashdall that he should be ready to assist me as a counsellor during the sessions of the Lambeth Conference. I have in mind the formation of a little cabinet of experts whom I could draw upon for special information with respect to the subjects which will come up for debate. Marriage and Episcopacy will certainly be included among these.