The Henson Journals

Mon 7 April 1919

Volume 24, Page 130


Monday, April 7th, 1919.

I wrote a letter of remonstrance to the Dean about yesterday's incident. Then the doctor came, & gave me leave to travel. I went to Paddington by the 9.55 a.m., arriving at 3.25 p.m. Despairing of a taxi, I proceeded by the Tube to Trafalgar Square, and so reached Garlant's Hotel. I had my hair cut, and then had tea in the Athenaeum, where I saw Charles. He says that the choice for the Westm canonry lies between Temple and Cronshaw. Then I had an interview with Mr Dampier–Bennett, & agreed that he shd resign his benefice on July 1st. The Dean of Westm was in the Club, & I had some speech with him. Then I walked to S. Paul's, Covent Garden, and called on Jimmie Adderley. The Rectory is a dingy place, & gave the impression of being also very dirty. He would like to be made Canon of Hereford, but I doubt whether he would be contented anywhere. There is a 'gipsy' streak in his queer jumble of a character, which never allows him to continue in one stay for more than a few years. Then I went back to the Athenaeum, & I dined by myself. There were few people in the Club, & nobody whom I cared to talk with.