The Henson Journals

Sat 29 March 1919

Volume 24, Page 118


Saturday, March 29th, 1919.


There was a heavy fall of snow during the night, & when we looked out on the world from our bedroom window, we found that we had rushed back into the winter. The newspapersreport that Gore has resigned. In the letter to the Archbishop, announcing his purpose, he gives his reasons, and includes the vote on the baptismal franchise at the recent meeting of the R.C.C. This action would be more impressive if it had not been so often threatened. He threatened to resign in the last Lambeth Conference, and last year when I was consecrated. The truth is that Gore, though a good & able man, is a bad loser. If he is thwarted, he throws the cards on the table, & refuses to go on playing. The appointment of his successor will be interesting. Probably Strong will be offered the see. He may refuse it, as his eyesight is giving trouble. Then there is always W. Temple!

Beattie and his wife came to lunch: also Mrs Polly, Angel and her husband Major Thelwell arrived for the week–end. He has recently arrived from Cologne, where he returns in a week's time. His account of the situation there was rather disconcerting. The Germans are by no means convinced that they have been beaten, & they are still strong enough to be formidable.