The Henson Journals

Fri 28 March 1919

Volume 24, Pages 116 to 117


Friday, March 28th, 1919.

Willie Murray sends me a series of papers which have been sent to him by the "Parliamentary Ctee on Church & State". There is (1) A pamphlet publd. By S.P.C.K. giving a summary of the Archbishops' Ctee on Church & State. (2) A printed list of "Members of the H. of C. on [sic] Parliamentary Ctee on Church & State". The Chairman is Sir Robert Williams M.P. and the list contains 171 names. It includes Labour men e.g. Galbraith & Ben Tillett, Protagonists of Protestantism like Joynson–Hicks & Sir R. Williams, & all the Cecilians . (3) A type–written Appeal to the Scottish Members dated 26 March 1919, and signed by Robert Williams, Chairman, Edw Beauchamp, T. W. Inskip, Joseph Nall, Robt Newman, W. Ormsby–Gore, John R. Remer, Executive Committee: J. D. Birchall, Wolmer, Secretaries. It invokes "their sympathy & interest in support of the C. of E. Enabling Bill" which "is shortly to be introduced into the H. of Lords by the Abp. of C". It declares "The Ctee includes members of all denominations & of all parties, as this is not a party question nor is it one that affects the C. of E. alone. The movement can command the support of all those who desire to assist in the purification of a part of the Christian Church, to pave the way for Reunion, & to promote the spiritual welfare of the Nation". It invites the members from Scotland to attend the next[117]meeting of the Ctee on April 2nd. I was sufficiently moved by this information to write a letter to the "Times" headed "Scotticising the English Church".

I corrected and returned to Messr Chatto & Windus the proof of the Introduction to "The Naked Truth". It is printed in the same type as the pamphlet. This is a mistake.

The old deaf Countess who is Ella's connection lunched here, but I could nowise make her understand my speech! I wrote to Linetta bidding her goodbye before she leaves for Italy on "All Fools Day".

Yesterday's "Times" included the text of a "Memorial to the Archbishops" advocating confirmation at an earlier age. It is sent by "The Federation of Catholic Priests" and is signed by Dr Darwell Stone as Chairman, & Rev. F. Underhill, Secretary. It describes the Federation as "a society now numbering some 600 priests of the C. of E. & formed for mutual support in the defence & furtherance of Catholic Faith & Order". The document is rather truculent after the manner of our new "Catholicks". I should judge that these 600 constitute the Romanizing party & that, if they would take themselves off to their true home, there might possibly by peace in the Church. But they will not go: the impurity of their anarchy is too good to be sacrificed to conscience or to consistency!