The Henson Journals

Tue 11 March 1919

Volume 24, Page 98


Tuesday, March 11th, 1919.

It rained all night, and kept on raining all day. I motored to Tarrington, and there confirmed 37 candidates. It was a pleasant service, &, I trust, also edifying. I lunched with Green Price, who kept to luncheon Randle the Vicar of Stretton Grandison, and Revd M. R. S. Onslow, Rector of Stoke Edyth, who had brought candidates from their respective parishes. We had some rather interesting conversation on the conditions of ministry in rural parishes. Then I went on to Fownhope where I confirmed 32 candidates, & afterwards had tea with the Vicar, Rev. F. G. Nott, a weak listless creature. The parish church has an unusually lengthy chancel. On my return, MrBulmer came to see me about tomorrow's meeting. It appears that the result at the County Council election was indecisive, so that Corner will secure re–election as chairman. Then Wynne–Willson came to do my letters; and young Scott came to ask me for help at All Saints. I took occasion to tell him not to make a jack–ass of himself by wearing his cassock in the streets. The Archdeacon of Hereford came to stay the night. We had some interesting talk after dinner while Blair Ripley smoked his pipe. So ended another day.