The Henson Journals

Mon 10 March 1919

Volume 24, Page 97


Monday, March 10th, 1919.

At 10 a.m. Ella and I started in the motor on another round of confirmations. We went to Goodrich, where I confirmed 33 candidates. After lunching with Prebendary Seaton and his wife, we motored to Linton, stopping on our way to call on MrMoffatt, whose house is gloriously situated. At Linton I confirmed 15 candidates. After service we had tea in the Vicarage. The parson, Bennett, is a delicately moulded man with a gentle expression and manner. Hutton says that he is a saint. We motored back to Hereford, and arrived shortly before six o'clock. A telegram announced the immediate arrival of Blair Ripley. He was on his way from Ripon to Rhyl. He is an intelligent rather silent man, whose services at the Front have been very considerable. He shewed me letters from several high officials expressing the warmest appreciation of the work which his engineering corps had accomplished. Wynne Willson came, & worked through the correspondence. I wrote the Rev. H. G. Morgan offering him the Prebend in the cathedral vacated by the death of old MrHanbury. The weather all day long has been damp and blustering, a circumstance the more regrettable since we were passing through one of the loveliest parts of my diocese. Had the day been fine our drive from Goodrich to Linton would have been a succession of gorgeous pictures.