The Henson Journals

Tue 4 March 1919

Volume 24, Page 92


Shrove Tuesday, March 4th, 1919.

Mr Gratton went off after breakfast. I gave him a copy of "Notes of my Ministry". The Archdeacon left soon after, and then I settled to work on the Preface to "The Naked Truth". Then I went to the Cathedral, & instituted three clergymen viz: Fortescue to Leysters, Talbot to Middleton Scriven, & Griffiths to St Mary Clee. It appears that my victim of yesterday is named Croft. He is a respectable jobbing gardener, & is known to James. He does not seem to have received any serious injury. After lunch I sawed wood, and then resumed work on the Preface, until I was interrupted by a visit from Bannister. Then Wynne–Willson came to do the letters, & then it was time for dinner. So the days slip away in petty activities, & nothing is done – a 'hand–to–mouth' existence unworthy of an intelligent & educated man! I received the first notice of the meeting of the Lambeth Conference next summer. On the whole I regret the meeting. It may mean some very unpleasant experiences for me, for some of the colonial bishops are said to be bent on clearing the church from the stigma of my heresies! The preliminary list of subjects covers a vast expanse of debateable territory!