The Henson Journals

Sun 26 January 1919

Volume 24, Page 57


3rd Sunday after Epiphany, January 26th, 1919.


I celebrated the Holy Communion in the Cathedral at 8 a.m. The post brought the new issue of the "Modern Churchman". It contains my article on practical Church Reform, an excellent article by Sanday on the Bishop of Ely v. Glazebrook controversy, an interesting account by Raven of the effect of the War on the prospects of Liberal Christianity, and a racy review by Fawkes. I made a summary of my Temple sermon for sending to the Times in due course. The day being beautifully fine, we walked in the garden, and in the afternoon went along the river. If there were not this unlifting cloud of anxiety respecting social change how contented one might be to live & work here for the rest of one's days. But, as things stand, there is nothing but uncertainty & menace look where one will. The dramatic victory of Prohibition in America does not seem unconnected with the fear of "Bolshevism", which finds its recruiting ground & council chamber in the "saloons". The circumstance that the Germans are the principal manufacturers of alcoholic drinks, & conspicuously large consumers of the same, has facilitated the propaganda of the Fanaticks, to which the extraordinary necessities of the War has given a practical value. But unless human nature be a more worthless thing than even cynicism suggests, such meticulous & irrational despotism cannot long be tolerated in normal times.