The Henson Journals

Thu 23 January 1919

Volume 24, Page 55


Thursday, January 23rd, 1919.

I motored to Burwarton, and there lunched with the Rector, Mr Parker, with whom was Lilley. After lunch we motored to Chetton, where we were met at the parish church by the vicar, Mr Southwell. With this man I had grave talk, for not only has been bankrupt twice over, but he is ill–reported of in the neighbourhood. I told him of his ill repute, & warned him that, if he did not reform his ways, I would certainly take action. He took all this very meekly, a circumstance which assured me of the truth of the evil rumours about him. After visiting Glazeley, we returned to Burwarton & had tea. Then we motored back to Hereford, where I went through my letters with Wynne–Willson. Mainly a wasted day!