The Henson Journals

Sat 30 November 1918

Volume 24, Page 6


Saturday, November 30th, 1918.

I wrote to William in answer to a letter from him expressing a desire to return at once from his aviation camp, & become my chauffeur. The post brought a letter from my God–son, Gilbert, who has just arrived in England from his captivity among the Germans. He describes the Rhine cities as receiving the returning soldiers with an enthusiasm which suggests victory rather than defeat. Food was obtainable, though at a monstrous cost, but the poor are on the verge of starvation. The Archdeacon came to lunch; & afterwards presented the candidates (4 women & 2 men) at an adult confirmation in the Lady Chapel. Then I called on Lilley, & went a short walk with him. The "General Election" is in full swing, and is developing as much party rancour as ever before. On both sides of the Atlantic the conclusion of the War has been the occasion of a sinister explosion of party–spirit, which augurs ill for the Millenniumon which we have been counting.