The Henson Journals

Sun 10 November 1918

Volume 23, Page 212


24th Sunday after Trinity, November 10th, 1918.

1560th day

The Sunday Paper announces the abdication of the Kaiser, and the renunciation of his rights by the Crown Prince. Was ever in all history a more dramatic example of retributive justice? But there is more anxiety than exultation in our triumph, for Revolution is on the march, & that is a Power which respects frontiers no more than Cholera or Influenza. I remained in my study all the morning, wrote letters, and revised the sermon for the evening. I walked to the Mayor's Hospital, and on the way was accosted by a bicyclist, bent on some errand, who introduced himself as Percy Hull, the organist who has just returned from captivity in Germany. I talked with the wounded soldiers, among whom was a very modest & attractive V.C. In the evening I preached in S. Peter's, to an overflowing congregation. My sermon was that which I preached at Ludlow a week ago, with some interpolations adapted to the new situation. Norcock sent me his resignation, but I doubt whether I ought to accept it, though I may not be able much longer to afford a chaplain.