The Henson Journals

Tue 5 November 1918

Volume 23, Page 209


Tuesday, November 5th, 1918.

1555th day

I went to the Bank, & arranged that £500 of War Loan should be sold out. This means that I shall have sacrificed £1000 of my savings in order to get into this bishoprick. After lunch Ella and I motored to Ross, & there I gave away prizes in the Grammar School, and made a speech to the Company. This function being ended, we had tea with Colonel & Mrs Middleton, and then returned to Hereford, carrying with us Miss Krabbe. I found the Educational Inspector, Edwards, waiting to see me. He had been brought by Mr Bulmer. I had some conversation with him, from which I learned that the County of Hereford is evilly regarded by the educational people, while in Shropshire there is a 4? higher education rate: in Hereford we go no farther than the "whiskey money"! When Mr Edwards had departed I wrote a letter to a correspondent on the question of marriage with a deceased wife's sister. I suspect that there are not a few cases, like my correspondent's, in which there is a painful conflict between desire and prudence, morality & expediency.