The Henson Journals

Sat 2 November 1918

Volume 23, Page 207


Saturday, November 2nd, 1918.

1552nd day

I finished my Ludlow sermon, being interrupted by a tiresome fellow, Bulmer, who talked about local education, on which he fancied himself an authority. After lunch Ella and I motored in order to pay some calls. We visited Holme Lacey, where the incumbent, the Revd R. E. Lee, shewed us the curious but dilapidated parish church, which is dedicated to S. Cuthbert. It is a mile distant from the bulk of the parishioners, & lies so low as to be liable to inundation. We had a talk with Lady Lucas Tooth, who now lives alone in the former seat of the Scudamore family, a great mansion with many elaborately carved ceilings.