The Henson Journals

Fri 1 November 1918

Volume 23, Page 207


Friday, November 1st, 1918.

1551st day

An unpleasant day, & latterly very wet. I worked at sermons for Ludlow, and wrote both to Carissima & to Marion. The Rev. E. Parminter, Rector of Coreley came to lunch. He wished to consult me about a chaplaincy. As he is but 37, and as strong as a bull, I approved his purpose, and bade him go to the Rural Dean about making provision for his parish and report to me again. The Curate in temporary charge of Church Stretton came to see me. I permitted his continuance there until Easter. The gardener begged for a bonus on account of the high prices of necessaries. I gave him an addition of 2/6 weekly. This brings his wages to a total of £2.7.6 per week. His predecessor received but 30/–. I walked during the afternoon with Wynne–Willson.