The Henson Journals

Tue 29 October 1918

Volume 23, Page 205


Tuesday, October 29th, 1918.

1548th day

I walked to Westminster & ascertained from Pearce the hour of the funeral tomorrow. Then I went on to Lambeth joining Runciman on the way. Here we attended the Conference of Leaders of Churches convened to consider how best to advance the League of Nations project. Every church save the Papist was represented. There was much windy speaking, but nothing much was done. Knight was there, & came away with me. I mentioned the probable vacancy at Weobley, & asked him whether he wd care to take it. Rather to my surprise, he seemed attracted by the prospect, though anxious to make sure that he wd not be buried. We lunched together, and then walked in the Park. On my return to the Club I wrote to Treherne, excusing my absence from the S.P.C.C. meeting tomorrow, and sending£1. to the collection. Then I wrote to Mary. The Archbishop came into the Club, and I had some speech with him. He gave me an account of the "Life and Liberty" deputation, which he had sent away in rather a crest–fallen condition. I asked him what he had meant by saying at the Bishops' meeting that some people thought the debate on the Church & State Report wd "fizzle out", and he said that Lord H. Cecil wd move its formal acceptance, and the postponement of the serious discussion: He added that he looked forward to my speaking. He was evidently anxious to give the impression that he was not so deeply committed to the "Life & Liberty" fanaticks as I suspect. I dined at the Club.