The Henson Journals
Thu 24 October 1918
Volume 23, Page 201
Thursday, October 24th, 1918.
1543rd day
The following letter to an incumbent asking for my sanction for "joint Sunday services in Church or Chapel here during the winter" explains itself:–
Dear Mr Hounsfield,
In answer to your letter of the 22nd inst. I have to say that it appears to me quite reasonable to abandon the evening service in the parish church during the shortage of coal, but
- You should read Evensong in the afternoon with or without preaching a sermon.
- You might very well (if you so wish) attend & take part in the evening service at the Nonconformist Chapel. There is no legal objection to your doing so within the limits of your own parish, and I can well understand that there might be good reason for your adopting this course.
I cannot think there would be any insurmountable difficulty about the Sunday School. If you read Evensong at 2.30 p.m., and had the School at 3 p.m. This is but a suggestion.
Yours v. faithfully,
H. H. Hereford.
The Rev. G.W. Hounsfield, Vicar of Marton–in–Chirbury, Salop.
I called on Charles, whom I found preparing to carry the Sacrament to Bishop Boyd–Carpenter, whose end approaches: lunched with Ernest, and returned to Hereford in company with the Dean & Lady Butler.