The Henson Journals

Thu 10 October 1918

Volume 23, Page 186


Thursday, October 10th, 1918.

1529th day

I was sufficiently recovered to get up, and descend to my study, where the doctor found me rather to his surprise. I completed the revision of the Lecture: & read some more of "Bismarck".

The news continues to be excellent. Cambrai has been taken by the British, but it has been reduced to ruin by the Germans. The President's reply to Prince Max is sufficiently firm. He tells him that the German Armies must evacuate invaded lands before there can be any question of an armistice: and he inquires what precisely the Chancellor represents. The situation appears to be developing with great rapidity: &, if only the weather will permit campaigning to continue, the German Army may be overwhelmed by a great & even irreparable disaster.