The Henson Journals

Mon 30 September 1918

Volume 23, Page 181


Monday, September, 30th, 1918.

1518th day

A bright but cold morning. William arrived with the motor in good time, & carried us back to Hereford, where I was in good time to receive the Royal Arch Lodge. They came in to the garden where I made them a short speech, which was responded to by the Provincial Master, Sir Richard Vassar Smith. Then I went to the Bank, & paid in my episcopal income for the quarter less income tax (£735). I lunched with the Brethren in the College hall, & then went to London by the 4 p.m. train. Archdeacon Newton & his sister travelled with me. I arrived soon after 9 p.m., & at once went to Garlant's Hotel, where my room was ready for me.