The Henson Journals

Fri 5 July 1918

Volume 23, Page 78


Friday, July 5th, 1918.

1432nd day.

Among my letters was another dolorous list of the Black–listed. It included the name of the man whom I had to report to the Bishop of Rochester in 1899, & whom I lost sight of until a few months ago when I was rather surprised to read a flatterous description of him in the "Yorkshire Post". Perhaps this may have led to the crash. How lamentable is this spectacle! I finished a sermon for the Cathedral next Sunday. Mr Brian Dolphin came from Church Stretton to lunch, and spent the afternoon. The local paper contains two anonymous letters denouncing me for preaching in Nonconformist chapels! However on that question I have burned my ships, and shall take no heed of protests & letters signed as anonymous!