The Henson Journals

Wed 15 May 1918

Volume 23, Page 26


Wednesday, May 15th, 1918.

1381st day

I wrote to Edgar Dobbie before breakfast, thinking it well not to leave unanswered his caustic question about the Band, whether he ought to leave it because of the foul language of the members, or not? After breakfasting at the Athenaeum, & visiting the barber, I walked to Lambeth, & continued in the Bishops' Meeting all day, from 10 a.m. to 6.30 p.m., with brief intervals for lunch & tea. The subject of "Reunion" was brought forward by the Bishop of Sodor & Man, & the discussion developed into a trial of strength between the Tractarians and the moderates. I spoke with frankness, and courtesy, setting forward my notion that the Bishops ought to regularize "interchange of pulpits" by granting requests from the Incumbent & Churchwardens for permission to have a Nonconformist Preacher in their Parish Church. The Bishops of Winchester & Oxford opposed, & were defeated on a motion asking the Abp. to appoint a Committee to consider how far Non–Anglicans cd officiate in the churches. But I was myself defeated on the question of hurrying forwd the Revision of the P.B. It was decided, on the motion of the Bishop of Bristol, to pubish the Resolution on Reservation adopted by the Bishops in July 1917. I expressed my personal dissent. After the meeting I walked with the Bishop of Newcastle, & then dined at the Athenaeum with the Bishop of St David's. The Death of the Duke of Northumberland is announced in the evening papers – a conscientious, dull, hardworking good man, much respected & nowhere loved.