The Henson Journals

Tue 14 May 1918

Volume 23, Page 25


Tuesday, May 14th, 1918.

1380th day

I left Hereford by the early train (7.20 a.m.) and travelled to London arriving about 12.30 p.m. I proceeded by tube (asphyxiating journey) to Trafalgar Square, & walked to Garland's Hotel. Then I went to the Athenaeum & lunched. There the Bishop of Worcester way–laid me, & extracted my consent to the absorption of the piece of Worcestershire now included in my diocese into his new "county–diocese" of Worcester. My predecessor had consented to this, and I could not well see my way to refuse. But I don't like these new dioceses! After lunch I walked to Lambeth, & attended a meeting of bishops. We discussed the new situation which will be created by Fisher's Education Bill. The Bp of Lichfield explained an ‘agreed scheme’ wh. had been drafted by a Committee of Bishops. It seems that the Bishops, even their Lordships of Oxford & Southwell, have come to understand tht the days of "Church Schools" are numbered. The Bp of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich introduced a report recommending the establishment of a Central Press Information Bureau, to provide trustworthy news on ecclesl affairs to the Press. I strongly opposed the creation of yet another device for strangling such independence as yet lingers in the Church. It was decided to have a further Report. I walked back to Westminster with the Bp. Of Liverpool, & dined at the Athenaeum with the Bp. of Manchester. I wrote to Ella before returning to the Hotel. Here the painters are at work, & the whole place reeks with the smell of fresh paint to my extreme & increasing discomfort.