The Henson Journals

Tue 2 April 1918

Volume 22, Page 213


Tuesday, April 2nd, 1918.

1338th day

Alice Barwick wrote to tell me that Gilbert is reported to be "missing" on the 22nd. The Colonel writes to say that he may be among the wounded prisoners. We must hope the best until we know the worst. He has been a thoroughly good boy, & to me more a son than a godson.

The Rev. J. Davies, Rector of Stoke Prior came to see me on the subject of the Bible and Prayer Book examinations. I promised to give the prizes which Bp. Percival gave. I worked at a sermon for next Sunday, and then went to the Palace, and began to arrange my books in the shelves of my study. Wynne–Willson joined me at 2.45 p.m., and we motored to the Munition Works. Here Colonel [space left blank by Henson] conducted us over the very extensive establishment, in which more than 4000 girls & women are hard at work filling shells. They wore a short tunic, & trousers, very workmanlike. It is an odd employment for Christian matrons. On my return, I went to the Palace, and worked for an hour in the garden. The planting of the crops has hardly made a beginning, & there is little prospect of a suitable gardener.