The Henson Journals

Mon 4 February 1918

Volume 22, Page 157


Monday, February 4th, 1918.

1281st day

The "Times" contains a pronouncement by the Bishop of Southwell, very offensively worded. He speaks of me as "recanting", as "having only myself to blame", and so forth. It made me very angry indeed at first, and then I reflected that the Bishop of Southwell was really not worth powder & shot. I walked to the Club, and there met the Archbishop of Dublin. He said that he thought I had been treated abominably. That is my own opinion of course. I walked to the Post Office in Parliament Street, & sent off telegrams to the Dean of Hereford, & Bishop Walsh, fixing the Enthronement for Shrove Tuesday (Feb. 12th). As I returned to the Club, I fell in with Rowland Prothero, & exchanged a few words. He also thinks the Bishops have behaved abominably. Sir Robert Morant met me, and said the same.


I spent the morning in writing letters in the Athenaeum, and lunched there with Bayley [Bailey] as my table–companion. Then I fetched Ella from the Deanery (S. Paul's) and took her to Lambeth, where we were to be the guests of the Archbishop & Mrs Davidson. I dined with the Brotherhood which met at Gow's House. After dinner I walked back to Lambeth, arriving just in time for prayers. Before going to bed, I had some talk with the Archbishop.