The Henson Journals

Fri 28 December 1917

Volume 22, Page 95


Friday, December 28th, 1917.

1243rd day

I was pleased at receiving a kind letter from Charles Robinson. After breakfast I went to the Bank, & paid in my quarterly income. Then I went round the Cathedral with my guests. Pemberton came to lunch. I attended the children's Service in the Cathedral and then went to tea with the Archdeacon & Mrs Watkins.

The "Church Times" contains several letters stuffed with quotations from my books designed to demonstrate my heresy! They don't really amount to much, though they have a more alarming appearance thus isolated than when read in their context. It is interesting to see how far people will carry their opposition. For me the issue defines itself picturesquely in the formula – the "Throne" or the "Gutter"!