The Henson Journals

Tue 23 October 1917

Volume 22, Page 15


Tuesday, October 23rd, 1917.

1177th day

My letter appeared in the "Times", & may stir thoughts in the minds of the bishops assembled at Lambeth! I spent the morning in the Athenaeum writing letters, & reading. The Bishop of Manchester joined me at lunch. We discussed the situation in view of the meeting of the R.C.C. in November. He said that the opposition to him in his Diocesan Conference was practically confined to the C.E.M.S. "inspired from Bishopthorpe". We agreed that some protest should be attempted at the Convocation against the meeting of the R.C.C.: & that he should try to ascertain from the Abp. precisely whether, in the event of Lord Parmoor's motion being defeated, the discussion of the Church & State Report wd proceed. I had some talk with Lord Muir Mackenzie, & Lord Wm. Cecil: also with the Bishops of Chichester, S. David's, & Chichester [sic]. I walked to 15 Upper Grosvenor Street, & saw Buller. We talked together for an hour. I returned to the Athenaeum, & then went back to Dean's Yard. I dined with the Pearces, with whom was staying the Bishop of Bristol. We had a good deal of pleasant talk. The evening post brought me letters from Elizabeth, and Colin Kennedy. The last is now stationed at Canterbury.

I called on Hugh Rees, & spent some time in looking over the books displayed in his shop. There is little beyond "War–books", & one has got weary of these. A certain amount of theology, and some novels are coming out, but nothing worth buying, & very little worth reading. I ordered a few volumes to be sent on to the Deanery, just to "pay for my standing".