The Henson Journals

Mon 22 October 1917

Volume 22, Page 14


Monday, October 22nd, 1917.

1176th day

I was rather disappointed that no report of my sermon appeared in the "Times"; & a mere snippet in the "Morning Post": and I was surprised that my letter about the summons of the R.C.C. did not appear. The papers are full of the notable achievement of the French aviators in destroying no less than six of the Zeppelins which were returning from the raid on England. After breakfast I went to the barber, & had my hair cut etc: then to the Athenaeum & wrote letters: then to 22 Bramham Gardens & lunched with the Miss Ansons. Then back to the Club, where I found Headlam, & had tea. Sydney Lee was there, & very anxious to expound to me some muddling that has taken place at Oxford over the National Biography Dictionary. Then I walked back to Dean's Yard. Charles told me about the state of the Abbey Finances. The new choir–school has cost no less than £31,000: & the War has greatly reduced the takings from the fees of visitors, besides compelling an increase of all the wages.